20 December 2011

The One That Got Away


its been a year i havent meet him
someone whom left me 2 years ago
ini bukan kisah putus cinta
tp ditinggalkan, sbb that person gone away to further his studies somewhere else
mmg perit. sumpah. sampai sekarang pun bila ingat balik, sakit still tak hilang
sedih tu tak hilang, tah sampai bila laa

got a chance to spent time with him last year make me the most happiest person on earth
sekarang aku dah stop contact dia aku taknak kenangan lama come arouse again
apa-apapun, kami memang takbleh bersama atas sebab-sebab tertentu
in easy word, fate mmg tak benarkan kami bersama
k tu je nak cakap!

p/s:ada cara tak nak lupakan someone whom we like da most but had gone away farrrrrrrrrrr???


Haanie said...
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Haanie said...

if you want anything about blog..like header,blog-edit or anything just tell me.. its my promise //once upon a time in my blog..